Epitaph Episode 10: Pages 58-62

A friend of mine reminded me recently that a mutual ex-boss of ours would always ask: “What’s the difference between a reason and an excuse? Nothing.” Well, I’m too tired to explain why there is a difference; I just wanted to put that out there before I give you reasons (or excuses) for this week’s missing pages. In short, not enough time and not enough energy.

There was a time when I could successfully fight off sleep and stay razor-sharp focused on a task to get it done and meet any deadline. Alas, age catches up with us all. And with as many jobs and responsibilities that I have, there just wasn’t enough time to write. So, I turned in my pages to Brian late on Friday and went to sleep without posting the pages here first.

I apologize to the dedicated readers who were looking for the pages. I’ll try to budget time better going forward. Now, Let’s Write This Movie!

Epitaph 58-62