The page numbering is getting a little wonky, but that’s because I keep adjusting things in previous pages that either lengthen or shorten the page count. In this case, I’ve shortened the gunfight sequence. I didn’t bother to include those pages in this set because I’ve just truncated description that probably shouldn’t have been written in the first place.
Regarding this current set, Brian was right: I didn’t have it all fleshed out in my mind. I had bits and pieces and an overall look and feel, but I didn’t have any of the nuts and bolts nailed down. Wow, lots of hardware in that mixed metaphor. Initially, it was just supposed to be a montage, but I ended up writing it like straight story. Now that it’s on paper, I feel pretty good about this direction.
There’s a lot of dialog here, so it looks like I’ll be reading to Brian this episode.
Now, Let’s Write This Movie!
Epitaph 29-38